Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Toko Manufacturing Co., Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) has placed personal information protection as one of the first priorities and will establish and implement the Privacy Policy as follows.

Article 1: Acquisition of Personal Information

When acquiring personal information, the Company shall clearly specify the purpose of use in advance and shall acquire such information by fair and lawful means to the extent necessary for such purpose.

Article 2: Handling of Personal Information

1) Use only for the Intended Purpose

The Company shall not use any personal information beyond the purpose of use without obtaining the customer’s consent. The Company shall use acquired personal information for the following purposes (“the Purpose of Use”):

  • Sending a business notice about the Company’s products and services
  • Conducting a questionnaire survey to improve services
  • Implementing the operations necessary to handle inquiries from customers
  • As clearly specified when acquiring the personal information
  • Complying with all statutory provisions or directives and the instructions of administrative authorities
2) Disclosure of Personal Information to a Third Party

The Company shall not disclose personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the customer; provided, however, that the Company may disclose personal information to third parties who work on behalf of the Company to the extent necessary to fulfill the Purpose of Use. In such case, the Company shall require such parties to handle the disclosed personal information appropriately and shall take appropriate control of such information.

3) Safety Measures

The Company shall take appropriate safety precautions to prevent leaks and malicious alteration of personal information.

Article 3: Respect for Rights

The Company shall respect the rights of individuals with regard to personal information and shall take the appropriate precautions in light of conventional wisdom and common practice in society when asked to disclose, correct, or eliminate such personal information.

Article 4: Compliance with Laws and Regulations

The Company shall comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information and shall ensure that all employees of the Company understand the importance of personal information protection and implement appropriate handling of personal information.

Oct 2011