Terms of Use

Terms of Use

TOKO Global Site: Terms and Conditions

This website (TOKO Global Site) is owned, operated and maintained by or for TOKO MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.(TOKO)
Please read these terms and conditions of use (“Terms and Conditions”) carefully before accessing and browsing this website. You can use this website only if you agree to and accept the Terms and Conditions without limitation or reservation.
TOKO may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, change, alter, modify, add, and/or remove portions of the Terms and Conditions at any time by updating the contents of this page. So you are requested to visit this page and check the current effective Terms and Conditions periodically.
This website is linked to other websites, also operated by TOKO or its affiliates. In addition to the Terms and Conditions, use of each website shall also be subject to the terms and conditions particular to each website.

Limitation of Use – Copyright and Trademarks –

Copyright in these documents published on TOKO Global Site is owned by TOKO Co., Ltd. All materials on this website are protected by copyright laws, and other applicable laws of each country throughout the world, and treaty provisions. Except for personal, non-commercial internal use, you are prohibited to use (including, without limitation, coping, modifying, reproducing in whole or in part, uploading, transmitting, distributing, licensing, selling and publishing) any of the materials, without obtaining TOKO’s prior written permission.
You may copy this document delivered from TOKO Global Site only for the purpose of personal, non-commercial use within your organization, provided that any copy of this document or portion thereof must include this copyright notice.
Each individual document delivered from TOKO Global Site may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information applicable to that individual document. Your right to use or copy this document may be restricted if so indicated in such proprietary notices and/or copyright information.
Except as expressly provided above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any TOKO’s copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property rights.
Each software that is made available from this website is the copyrighted work of the respective owners and is protected by copyright laws and other applicable laws of each country throughout the world, and treaty provisions. Use of the software is subject to the terms and conditions of each end-user license agreement between the owner of such software and end-user thereof.

Prohibited Conduct

Please refrain from using this website for any of the following acts:

  1. Infringing the legal rights (including the rights of privacy and publicity) of others
  2. Causing any damage or disadvantage to others
  3. Disturbing public order
  4. Criminal act
  5. Uploading or distributing any third parties’ private information without obtaining approval from such third parties
  6. Using this website for any commercial purpose
  7. Defaming, disgracing or libeling others
  8. Uploading files that contain viruses, corrupted files that may damage the operation of others’ computers.
  9. Any other activities those are unlawful or prohibited by any applicable laws.
  10. Any other activities that TOKO deems inappropriate.

Links to TOKO Global Site

Links to this website are permitted under the following matters to be attended regardless to whether the link is from an individual or a company.

  1. As a general rule links to this website should be linked to the top page “https://toko-bending.co.jp/en”. When linking to this website using text, please use “TOKO Global Site” or “TOKO Co., Ltd.”
  2. The use of any registered trademark possession by TOKO Co., Ltd. is prohibited. We refuse any links that may cause misidentification of the origin that the information is sent out.
  3. Always set links so that a new window will open up when linking to TOKO Global Site. Links that show information within your websites will make the contents to be mislead that the information is from TOKO and may cause misinterpretation to a third party.
  4. We prohibit any links from websites that refer to the following.
    • Websites that include information intended to slander or cause lose in credibility of TOKO or other individuals or companies.
    • Websites that have the danger to infringe the copyright, registered trademark, possessions, privacy, portrait or any other rights owned by TOKO or other individuals or companies.
    • Websites that include statements that may cause the reader to misinterpret that there is alignment or partnership with TOKO, or that there is acknowledgment from TOKO to the website of the link origin.
    • Websites that do not apply to the above but have the fear to interfere with the operations of our website or violate public order and standards of decency or laws including regulations and rules.

Links from TOKO Global Site

Links to other websites besides related companies are not performed. We ask for your understanding.

Links to other than TOKO Global Site

The third parties’ web sites (other than TOKO Global Site) linked to or from this Web Site (“Linked Sites”) are independently operated and maintained by such third parties and are not under the control and/or supervision of TOKO. Use of the Linked Site shall be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated by the operator of each Linked Site. TOKO would not be responsible for any loss or damage, however caused, in connection with the use of any Linked site and your access to any of the Linked Sites shall be at your own risk.
Nothing contained in this website shall be interpreted as a recommendation and/or endorsement by TOKO of the contents of the Linked Sites and any products and/or services appeared on and/or provided through such Linked Sites. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to constitute a partnership or the like between the operators of the Linked Sites and TOKO.

Proposal and Offer

TOKO and any of its affiliates have the policy not to accept, from the third parties, any proposal and/or offer for our products and/or services, including, without limitation, ideas for new or improved products, technologies, designs, processes, software, promotions, advertisements and marketing plans in order to avoid any possible future confusion between such proposal and/or offer from the third parties and our own. So you are requested not to send any information that may contain your ideas, artwork, inventions, developments, suggestions or other works (“Idea”).
Despite the foregoing request, if you send your Idea to our attention, then such Idea will be treated upon the understanding that you agreed to the following terms:

  1. TOKO has no obligation to treat the Idea as confidential information.
  2. TOKO has no obligation to study, evaluate or adopt the Idea.
  3. Even if TOKO happens to adopt any idea identical or similar in whole or in part to the Idea, TOKO has no responsibility and shall not be liable for any compensation therefor.

Disclaimers of Warranties

Except to the extent prohibited by applicable laws, TOKO and/or any of its affiliates make no representation and warranty, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement of third parties rights and/or safety of the contents of this website, and any representations and warranties relating thereto are expressly disclaimed.
TOKO and/or any of its affiliates shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use or access, or inability to use or access, the website.
TOKO may change and/or alter the contents of this website, or may suspend or discontinue the services provided through this website at any time without any prior notice. TOKO or any of its affiliates shall not be liable for any damages arising out of any alteration or change of the contents or inability to use this website.

Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction

This Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan unless otherwise expressly provided. All controversies and disputes arising out of or relating to this Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to Nagoya District Court in Nagoya, Japan as the court of first instance.